Get Started Now! Worksite Package #1
Get Started Now! is a three-month program designed to create awareness and initiate behavioral change in employee habits.
As an employer, you know that employee health (and illness) costs big money. In a 2012 survey of the American workforce**, two-thirds of workers reported significant health issues, including being overweight or obese, having high blood pressure, depression, insomnia, headaches, and back pain. A majority of workers reported:
Businesses that offer worksite wellness program for their employees, targeted disease management and support for lifestyle change, are yielding a $3-$10 return on investment for each dollar invested (National Corporation Group on Health).
Healthy employees…Healthy bottom line!
Make it happen with Worksite Wellness!
Susan Abramson, the CEO and Founder of Pathways to Lifelong Health, will design and execute a WORKSITE WELLNESS PROGRAM, customized to meet the needs of your company. Pathways Programs are results-oriented. They include:
Creating a customized and highly targeted program entails collecting and/or analyzing baseline data on employee health; setting goals with measurable outcomes; interviewing a sample of employees to gauge interest and facilitate employee investment; actively engaging employees; and evaluating results.
Employer Benefits:
Employee Benefits:
Get Started Now! is a three-month program designed to create awareness and initiate behavioral change in employee habits.
Changemaker! is a six month program designed to build on that awareness and get initial results with weight loss, lowered blood pressure, mood stability and improved stress management.
Go for the Gold! is a nine month program designed to create and sustain significant improvements in the health of your employees through behavioral changes, including improved management of health conditions, weight loss, improved self-confidence, improved sleep an ability to focus, and increased energy and vitality, on the job!