You have the power to change how you feel.
I have the tools to get you there.
Why wait to feel great?

Let’s Get Started

woman in sunset

Each coaching package is custom tailored to meet your unique goals and includes: email support; a notebook with guidance and recommendations based on extensive research, articles, recipes, and other helpful handouts, and a food shopping tour at Whole Foods or Mom’s Organic Market, if desired. Cooking classes, restaurant expeditions, and weekly yoga and meditation classes are available at additional cost. These packages are results-oriented. You will feel and look healthier, have more energy and feel better about yourself. So why wait to feel great?

Individual Coaching Packages

Get Started Now! Individual Package #1

One initial hour and a half session and five hour long sessions over three months, twice a month, @ $840.00. This package is for you, if you want to begin the process of changing how you eat in order to lose weight, feel better in your body, and have more energy.

Benefits: In three months, you will learn what foods may be undermining your health and what you can do about it. You will learn how to substitute healthier food choices and recognize and change old habits that no longer serve you. You will learn how to make healthy food choices eating out while thoroughly enjoying your meal and the company! By the end of six sessions, you will have:

  • Developed a consistent pattern of healthy eating and substitutions
  • Lost weight and kept it off
  • Dropped one to three clothes sizes
  • Have more energy
  • Feel better about how you look; and
  • Feel healthier overall

Changemaker! Individual Package #2

One initial hour and a half session and eight hour long sessions over four months, twice a month, @ $1,200.00. This package is for those who want to make change permanent, by addressing those factors that created imbalance in your body. Weight loss, improved self-image, and improvements in chronic health conditions such arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, some cancers, gastro-intestinal conditions, depression and hormonal imbalances, among others, respond well to changes in your nutritional status. This package is for those who want to commit to intentionally changing mind and body.

Benefits: In addition to learning what foods may be undermining your health, you will learn how to substitute healthier food choices and recognize and change old habits that no longer serve you. You will learn how to make healthy and delicious choices when traveling and eating out. You will learn how to deepen your body awareness and calm and support your central nervous system through the practice of yoga and meditation. The central nervous plays a central role in physical and emotional imbalances and dis-ease, and can be reset to function better. By the end of nine sessions, you will have:

  • Developed a consistent pattern of healthy eating and substitutions
  • Lost weight and kept it off
  • Dropped several clothes sizes
  • More energy, vitality and self confidence
  • Improved self awareness
  • Improved ability to manage stress
  • Improved sleep, concentration and focus
  • Improvement in mood and overall mental health
  • Improvement in chronic health conditions

Go for the Gold! Individual Package #3

One initial hour and a half session and eleven hour long sessions over six months, twice a month @ $1500.00. This package is for those individuals who have tried other programs to lose weight, manage a difficult health condition, or feel better about themselves, but were unable to make the changes stick. If you are determined to change how you feel once and for all; if you are committed to learning how to really listen to your body and make the requisite nutritional and lifestyle changes, then Go for the Gold!

Benefits: This comprehensive approach to creating and maintaining a healthy you, includes nutritional coaching, yoga, meditation, and self-exploration techniques. In addition to identifying and replacing foods that may be undermining your health and all that this entails, you will deepen your body awareness, learning how to listen to your body’s wisdom in order to restore your health. Yoga, meditation, and visualization techniques will be used to support this process of self-exploration and learning. By the end of twelve sessions, you will have:

  • Developed a consistent pattern of healthy eating and substitutions
  • Lost weight and kept it off
  • Dropped several clothes sizes
  • More energy, vitality and self confidence
  • Improved self awareness and ability to listen to your body
  • Improved ability to manage stress and lower cortisol levels
  • Improved sleep, concentration and focus
  • Improvement in mood and overall mental health
  • Improvement, remission or complete resolution of chronic health conditions

Group Coaching Packages

Weight Loss Group Package #1

If you want to lose 10-15 pounds by learning how to make healthy food choices at home and when you eat out, this group is for you. Eight one-hour sessions over two months; total individual cost of $400.

Beginning Yoga with Susan Group Package #2

If you want to learn to practice yoga but are concerned about injury, join Beginning Yoga with Susan. You will learn how to practice yoga safely, cultivating strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination. Great for persons with chronic illnesses who have been fearful of physical activity or those who have always wanted to learn body awareness and appreciation. Eight one and a half hour sessions over two months; individual cost of $300.

Going Gluten Free Group Package #3

If you have recently decided to go gluten free, this group is for you. While a gluten free diet may seem overwhelming, you will learn how to quickly determine what foods have gluten in them or may be problematic for individuals sensitive to gluten, and how to make substitutions. By the end of six one-hour sessions, you will have mastered a gluten free diet. Cost: $300.