You have the power to change how you feel.
I have the tools to get you there.
Why wait to feel great?

Let’s Get Started

Q What does a health and nutritional coach do?


As a health and nutritional coach, I help clients improve how they look, how they feel, and how they function. This may entail weight loss or gain, improved management of a chronic disease or condition, or assistance in the recovery from surgery or other medical procedures. I work with each client to set health goals and then, together, we develop a plan to achieve them. As obstacles arise, we address them together in a timely manner, so that the client continues on track to reach their goals. Sometimes, small steps are need to overcome limiting beliefs; other times, significant change is what is needed for transformation. Most importantly, it is the client who guides each step and what happens next in order for them to be successful.

Q How are you different from a nutritionist?


A nutritionist will develop a nutritional plan for you to follow based on your goals and your health needs. You then meet with her/him to review progress and challenges. As your health and nutritional coach, I meet with you regularly, with email exchanges in between, to provide support and guidance as challenges or obstacles arise. I also serve as an accountability partner, helping you stay on track to meet your goals. Many of us know what foods to eat and what foods to stay away from, but emotional issues often sabotage our best intentions. As your coach, I will teach you the basic principles of nutrition and healthful eating, as well as techniques such as yoga, meditation, and visualization to help you better manage stress and anxiety, and learn to listen to your body.

Q I have tried many diets and always lose weight but it comes right back. Why is it different working with you?


I do not use diets with my clients for weight loss. When you deny yourself the energy and nutrients that your body needs, it begins to conserve and store fat. Within a few days, you binge, having felt denied of foods that you find satisfying. And the cycle repeats itself. Diets have a beginning and an end. Once the diet is over, we tend to go back to old habits.

I use a slow, steady and balanced approach, teaching each client how to substitute healthier foods for ones that may not be supporting their nutritional needs. Changing old habits is difficult, but over time, our minds and bodies begin to work together to demand healthier foods. I have seen it happen over and over again. The mind may say “…I had a hard day at work today, I need and deserve ice cream tonight.”

Regardless of what the body needs, our minds often overpower the wisdom of our bodies. As we work together, you will learn how to hear and act on, what your body is saying. As the mind begins to pay attention to the body, old habits die and new, healthier ones are created. These techniques support permanent change, allowing you to let go of old habits and adopt new ones that better suit your long-term health goals.

Q I exercise all the time, yet, the scale does not change. Why is that?


In order to lose one pound of fat, you must burn 3,500 calories. That is equivalent to an adult walking more than 30 miles at a time, something that most of us do not do every day. While regular exercise should be part of everyone’s plan for optimal health, in order to lose weight you must also reduce calories and improve the balance of foods that you eat in a healthy, safe way. Once we reach age 20, we begin to lose one pound of lean muscle per year. By the time we reach 40, we have lost the ability to burn an additional 1,400 calories per day. If you have not changed your eating habits, and you have not significantly increased your exercise and your recovery time, your body will store the extra calories you consume as fat.

The process of permanent and sustained weight loss includes:

  1. Addressing food sensitivities and any other issues that may be impairing digestion.
  2. Identifying those foods that best support your body’s particular needs.
  3. Finding an appropriate balance between exercise, rest and recovery.
  4. Addressing underlying emotional issues that sabotage your progress.

As your coach, I will guide and support you in this process.

Q Do you accept insurance for your health and nutritional coaching services?


No, I do not accept insurance.